  • Sebastian Herzer, Coordinator Finance, Brose Fahrzeugteile SE & Co. KG, Coburg, DE

    "Wenn man sich wünschen könnte, wie Einführungsprojekte im SAP-Umfeld ablaufen sollen, dann führen Sie die Lösung der BPI ein und Ihre Erwartungen werden erfüllt.

      Smart, kompetent, Ziel- und Lösungsorientiert mit einem überschaubaren Projektaufwand in einem Land "China", sind keine selbstverständlichen Schlagworte, die einem spontan bei dem Vorhaben einfallen. Aber all diese treffen für die Einführung der EBS Workbench bei Brose zu.

      Wir hatten bewusst das Land China als Piloten ausgewählt, da wir damit maximale Effizienz und Automatisierung erreichen wollten. Reine manuelle Buchungen in Summe am Monatsende gehören der Vergangenheit an. Vielmehr wird nun tagesaktuell der elektronische Kontoauszug importiert und mit einer durchschnittlichen Automatisierungsrate von 85% und 90% die Geschäftsvorfälle gebucht.

      Übrig bleiben meistens solche, die aufgrund fehlender Kontoauszugsinformationen nicht autiomatisch verarbeitet werden können.

      Von Anfang an hat das Projektteam sehr viel selbst übernommen: vom Customizing bis hin zur Schulung der Endanwender. BPI hat uns in diesem Projektansatz sehr gut unterstützt und on the job das Know How sukzessive vermittelt.

      Am Ende eine sehr erfolgreiche Einführung, die sehr viel Freude bereitet hat bei einer Projektlaufzeit von ca. 3 Monaten."

      Sebastian Herzer, Coordinator Finance, Brose Fahrzeugteile SE & Co. KG, Coburg, DE

  • Herman van Hazendonk, Director Group Treasury, General Logistics Systems (GLS), Netherlands

    "As part of a modernisation of our complete banking & payment infrastructure GLS was looking to enhance the bank statement processing in SAP. The infrastructure in place was initially setup 20 years ago, highly customized inside of SAP and no longer fit for purpose due to the increased complexity of our business and exploded volumes. This led to 250+ support tickets a year in recent years with our SAP team for support on issues with the loading and processing of bank statements.

      After comparison of 3 SAP embedded tools for Automatic Cash Application we have decided for EBS Workbench. The key decisive factors for us to choose BPI:

      • Seamless integration into SAP
      • no sharing of data "via the cloud"
      • finance user in control
      • total cost of ownership
      • and knowledgeable team at BPI
      • Initially we opted to roll out EBS Workbench to only 7 group companies, but after the initial results and the gained efficiencies we decided to roll this out as a strategic solution for our 29 entities on SAP. Our company is very decentral organized, and this is the first solution that is really embraced group wide and allowed us to harmonize the reconciliation processes.

        The flexibility EBS Workbench offers, is unparalleled compared to other solutions we considered and at a fraction of the price. The use of various built-in features, the possibility to integrate remittance advices and to clear intercompany payments automatically have been used extensively and offer us a lot of benefits in terms of daily operations.

        The key users in the finance departments are fully in control of their reconciliation and can do most of the configuration themselves, relieving our already very strained SAP IT team.

        At the same time, we completed the migration from MT940 to CAMT.053 for the banks that support this. In EBS Workbench the switch from MT940 to CAMT.053 is very easy and straight forward. For some entities we switched formats overnight without any issues. CAMT.053 vs MT940 gives us 5-10% more automation due it's more detailed and structured information.

        Overall bank reconciliation automation across the group has increased from around 60% to about 85+%. In some countries we're able to achieve 95+% full automation.

        The implementation of EBS Workbench has also paved the way for our S/4 HANA migration which will be a lot easier due to the way EBS Workbench operates. A great benefit is also that we were able to retire all custom specific enhancement coding that had been implemented at GLS over the last 20 years.

        The support from BPI has been exceptional and invaluable. Their extensive knowledge of SAP FI is something that we value very much. Some minor tweaks to our daily operations inside SAP FI, lead to saving hours daily on tasks related to reconciliation and further posting in SAP FI."

        Herman van Hazendonk, Director Group Treasury, General Logistics Systems (GLS), Netherlands

  • Wim Wolsink, Financial Accounting Manager, Groupe Salins du Midi, France

    "The implementation of EBS was absolutely one of my smoothest implementations.

      The EBS Workbench has had a positive impact on our processes, particularly in streamlining the reconciliation of bank statements and improving the accuracy and efficiency of our financial reporting. The key benefit is for no doubt the increased efficiency.

        As we look towards future projects and the potential shift to S/4HANA, the experience with EBS has shown us how important it is to have knowledgeable partners. Your expertise throughout the project has not only ensured the success of the implementation but also reassured us that we have the right tools and support in place to scale our operations as needed.

          If we had known how smoothly the implementation would go and how quickly we’d see tangible results, it would have made the decision to proceed even easier. Additionally, having a clear understanding of the support and flexibility that the EBS Workbench offers beyond just bank statement processing would have been valuable in the decision-making process."

              Wim Wolsink, Financial Accounting Manager, Groupe Salins du Midi, France

  • Joerg Opperbeck, A/R Accounting & Credit Management, CLAAS KGaA mbH, Germany

    "Wir hatten einen hohen manuellen Aufwand bei der Verbuchung der Kontoauszüge, sowohl im Bereich der Bankbuchhaltung als auch im Bereich der Debitorenbuchhaltung. Daher haben wir nach Möglichkeiten zur Steigerung der Effizienz in diesen Bereichen gesucht.

      Im Vergleich zu alternativen Lösungen am Markt überzeugte uns BPI sehr schnell u.a. durch die Aussicht, mit einem spezialisierten Anbieter mit schnellem Support zusammenarbeiten zu können.

        Seit dem ersten GoLive der EBS Workbench im September wurde bei CLAAS bereits eine sechsstellige Anzahl an Kontoauszugspositionen über die EBS Workbench verbucht. Der Automatisierungsgrad liegt heute bei deutlich über 80%.

          Einer der größten Vorteile der EBS Workbench ist für uns, dass das Customizing des Tools (die Anpassung der Buchungsregeln) durch Key-User im Fachbereich vergleichsweise unkompliziert erfolgen kann. Hier ist der Fachbereich selbst der Treiber der Automatisierung.

            Des Weiteren schätzen wir bei der heutigen Arbeit mit der EBS-Workbench v.a. die folgenden Punkte:

            • Anwenderfreundliche Benutzeroberfläche
            • Einfache Nachbearbeitung der nicht automatisierten Zahlungseingänge (One-Screen-Transaktion)
            • Gute Analysemöglichkeiten für nicht automatisierte Positionen
            • Ausrollen des Tools auf dezentrale CLAAS Gesellschaften schafft Transparenz über die aktuellen Zahlungsvorgänge und deren Verbuchung innerhalb der CLAAS Gruppe
            • Die gewonnene Transparenz schafft Möglichkeiten zur Harmonisierung von Prozessen auch in dezentralen Einheiten der CLAAS Gruppe"
              • Joerg Opperbeck, A/R Accounting & Credit Management, CLAAS KGaA mbH, Germany

  • Michael Debus, CashManagement & Finance, DATEV eG, Germany

    "The decision to implement a new payment solution allowed us to also rethink the processing of electronic bank account statements.

      We got to know BPI through a recommendation from our payment service partner.

      I would like to highlight two aspects from the project with BPI:

      • EBS Workbench is a powerful tool that is quick and easy to customize. Without cumbersome transports through the SAP system levels. Directly in the Workbench by the responsible persons, new findings can be reacted to at any time. That's great.
      • And: BPI implements the "one face to the customer" concept excellently. From the initial meeting to the go-live, we had an extremely competent and professional contact person, from whom we received valuable tips on SAP FI "along the way" due to his in-depth knowledge. This is how I would like to see external support.
      • All in all, a great project that was also a pleasure to deal with on a mutual basis and led to a high automation rate from Go Live onwards."

          Michael Debus, CashManagement & Finance, DATEV eG

  • Key user from Finance, Treasury & Accounting, Dehner Garden Center in Rain, Germany*

    "With the implementation of SAP S/4 HANA, we started looking for an add-on for posting account statements so that we would not have to rely on extensive customizing in the SAP standard. Our decision quickly fell on EBS Workbench, as BPI already convinced us in the first presentation on the interface of the tool as well as in the communication on cooperation.

      EBS Workbench delivered exactly what we were looking for:

      • short implementation
      • simple user application
      • simple adaptation of the rules to improve the automation independently by the finance department
      • fast and uncomplicated consulting in case of questions and problems

      In addition, we also benefit from the extensive SAP expertise "beyond" the bank statement and were able to improve several issues in our processes with the advice and helpful tips.

    We from the Finance & Accounting department of Dehner Garten-Center can absolutely recommend the tool EBS Workbench, the consulting by BPI as well as the cooperation with BPI.”

      Key user from Finance, Treasury & Accounting, Dehner Garden Center in Rain*

      *)Due to company policy of the customer, name of the contact person cannot be published on this page, but we will be happy to arrange a bilateral contact with the responsible contact person of the customer.

  • Key user from the finance department, medium-sized company in the food industry*

    "Improving our existing automatic bank statement processing in SAP was an important project for our finance department last year. Our expectations for the solution were:

    • Solution adapted to our quantity level of transactions, and expandable (esp. SAP S/4HANA-capable)
    • German-speaking support with short response times
    • Improvement in the rate of no-touch automatic postings from the bank statement
    • Completion of routine tasks by the Add-on
    • Harmonization of posting procedures
    • More security for special or complex posting procedures

    We have been working with EBS Workbench for a year now. The support by BPI works excellently.

    Despite the special situation that no on-site appointments were possible due to Corona restrictions, the planned go-live date could be kept. Even after that, the support provided by the BPI employees was characterized by fast response times and on-time delivery.

    The Add-on allows changes and adjustments to be made by the finance department and implemented independently of IT.

    Our expectations were fully met.

    The rate of no-touch automatic bookings has increased by from 65.94% to 80.95%.

    For bookings that cannot be fully automated, EBS offers numerous options to support the users in the day-to-day work (e.g. use of payment advice data or automatic creation of proposals for more extensive bookings).”

    Key user from the finance department, medium-sized company in the food industry*

    *)Due to company policy of the customer, name and company cannot be published on this page, but we will be happy to arrange a bilateral contact with the responsible contact person of the customer.

  • Denisa Simion, Consolidation and Compliance, Finance / Accounting & Reporting, Huf-Hülsbeck & Fürst

    "I am a big fan of automatizations and embrace them in all areas of a business – in this case in our SAP S/4HANA Finance project.

    The EBS Workbench add-on is a highly valuable tool has a visible positive magnitude on our business. I will go ahead in list the benefits we are already seeing:

    • standardization in accounting - EBS allows us to standardize and harmonize our accounting and enables the headquarter direct control to ensure accuracy of the accounting entries
    • 3 way match internal control and cross-reference between: our bank cash-flows, our Treasury system and our SAP ERP, in the means that we are segregating and limiting the processing and approval of cash flow transactions to the authorized employees and ensure a safeguard against fraud
    • direct visibility over the outstanding FX deals
    • efficiency gains in processing time - now we can perform value added activities instead of repetitive bank statement postings
    • thousands of transactions per day are processed in 5 minutes, instead of tens of hours of manual posting work
    • cost avoidance/savings - there is no need for additional FTE"

    Denisa Simion, Consolidation and Compliance, Finance / Accounting & Reporting, Huf Hülsbeck & Fürst

  • Monique van Straten – Zijlstra, Supervisor Cash Management Team Shared Service Center, Vion Food Nederland BV, The Netherlands

    "VION N.V. was looking for a tool to achieve a higher degree of automation for bank statement processing and cash application in SAP.

    The shared service center in NL manages payment transactions for 40 entities in SAP covering a total of about 70 bank accounts at various national and international banks.

    Due to industry / business requirements, our accounting processes are quite complex and different amongst our entities. As an example our reference numbers are originating from various external IT Systems and we have to manage collections on behalf of our subsidiaries which requires cross company code clearings in SAP – just to name a few.

    Before engaging with EBS Workbench, we were not satisfied with our automatic matching rate and we were quite dependent on IT resources. Our expectation was to increase automation substantially and becoming independent from IT.

    We started implementing EBS at 19 entities. As a first result our existing automation rate was instantly doubled.

    The rollout to the remaining entities has been performed by the responsible power-user in the Shared Service Center.

    During the implementation of EBS and the related training to our people, we immediately experienced the benefits of EBS:

    • Immediate recognition of business partners
    • Standard bookings are made directly and automatically
    • Standardization across all companies / one way of working
    • Efficiency and time saving

    We look back on a pleasant and professional collaboration with BPI."

    Monique van Straten – Zijlstra, Supervisor Cash Management Team Shared Service Center, Vion Food Nederland BV, The Netherlands

  • Jean-Pascal Kountar - Team Lead EMEA Cash&Banking FSSC/ EMEA - Kao Business Services B.V., The Netherlands

    "While building up a shared service center in the Netherlands, KAO' s Finance members are on the constant lookout for improvement and the leanest processes possible. For our Cash allocation, we have definitely made the right choice with EBS Workbench from BPI and it is a great success.

    EBS Workbench helped us tremendously to automate the cash allocation of our 18 different entities, for which we also have several banks and currencies.

    It is not only the tool, for which we got training, guidance & support, but it is also the people from BPI who were amazing.

    We had 2 key BPI people that constantly advised us on Finance as well as IT decisions and shared global best practices. We all always find exceptions, and even there BPI was able to provide solutions.

    We saved time from tiring manual daily inputs, that we now use on other projects."

    Jean-Pascal Kountar - Team Lead EMEA Cash&Banking FSSC/ EMEA - Kao Business Services B.V., The Netherlands

  • Process Expert Finance - Technical Service Provider, Netherlands*

    "Up to now our company had automated the posting of the electronic bank statements to a certain degree by using customizing and programming in SAP.

    In 2019 the business identified requirements for additional automation:

    Due to the Dutch “Wet Keten Aansprakelijkheid” we receive a lot of split customer payments, partially on our normal account and partially on the blocked “g-account”. This has always been a pain point when we tried to automate this ourselves, also caused by the various ways in how our customers split invoices, and sometimes pay the amounts in collective payments. Although this methodology was new for BPI they managed to successfully find ways to implement it in standard EBS Workbench.

    After a short period of analyzing and setting up templates, we went live for several company codes in NL.

    Now we have reached a level of >90% automation, and we are still working on improvements to even achieve a higher level.

    Besides this, the handling of payment advices is far more efficient and the use of lookup-tables avoids other postings in the accounting department (first time right).

    EBS Workbench is a tool which is easy to use, gives a lot of valuable reporting about the reconciliation process and is easy to adjust by end users so we don’t have to bother IT with change requests any more.

    We are very happy with the tool and the very pleasant cooperation and professional advice during the implementation period."

    Process Expert Finance - Technical Service Provider, Netherlands*

    *)Due to company policy of the customer, name and company cannot be published on this page, but we will be happy to arrange a bilateral contact with the responsible contact person of the customer.

  • Accounts Receivable, Corporate Unit Finance, Phoenix Contact GmbH & Co. KG

    "Wir hatten bereits seit Jahren eine AddOn-Lösung für die Kontoauszugsverarbeitung in SAP integriert. Durch die Kündigung des Wartungsvertrages des Anbieters und Umstellung auf ein Mietmodell mussten wir das Thema komplett neu betrachten und bewerten. Nach Besuch mehrerer Anbieter in unserem Hause, wurde einstimmig der Beschluss gefasst, auf EBS Workbench von BPI zu wechseln.

    Schon bei der ersten Präsentation wurde uns gezeigt, wie einfach und verständlich das System strukturiert ist.

    Während der Installation des Programms durch unsere IT, haben wir anhand des von BPI zur Verfügung gestellten Vorbereitungsprogramms bereits unsere Kontoumsätze analysiert. In einem Workshop haben wir eine kurze Schulung für EBS Workbench bekommen und haben dann anhand unserer Analyse damit angefangen, Templates und Filter unter Anleitung zu erstellen.

    Das erfolgreiche Go-Live wurde online mit BPI durchgeführt, so dass sofort an die genaue Betrachtung der Buchungen gegangen wurde.

    Weitere Buchungskreise werden nun sukzessive selbständig durch den Bereich Finanzen umgesetzt.

    Ein zweites SAP System wurde durch unsere interne IT allein angeschlossen und der Rollout für den ersten internationalen Buchungskreis konnte durch den Bereich Finanzen auch hier selbständig erfolgen.

    Wir freuen uns sehr, ein gutes Kontoauszugsverarbeitungstool mit einfacher Bedienung und verständlichen Strukturen gefunden zu haben! Wir bedanken uns sehr für die tolle Kundenbetreuung! "

    Accounts Receivable, Corporate Unit Finance, Phoenix Contact GmbH & Co. KG

  • Peter Kiss - Global AP & AR Process Owner - INEOS Styrolution Group GmbH

    “When starting our Electronic Receipt Matching endeavor, we had some concerns regarding the automation rate and how successful the project would be at the end.

    Our first positive experience was when BPI analyzed our bank statement data and we saw that almost 100% of all our bank statement line items could be recognized by the Workbench. After this external analysis, we were able to continue enriching the analysis data by ourselves. During this time, we received professional guidance from BPI, which gradually brought us closer to the final implementation. In our key user training, we quickly realized that most of the work was already completed in the preparation phase. The training was, however, crucial to understand system behavior. Even if at first the Workbench looked overwhelming with all its functionalities, we got used to it within just a few days. We can now maintain our rules ourselves in a confident manner.

    This project was very successful in the EMEA region. We reached 75-90% of automation already on the first day.

    The whole project team has done a great job despite all current restrictions for face-to-face meetings. The analysis, preparation, implementation, training and go-live was done exclusively by remote work from all participants.”

    Peter Kiss - Global AP & AR Process Owner - INEOS Styrolution Group GmbH

  • Thanasis Papadopoulos, Assistant Treasurer - Group Liquidity Monitoring & Funds Allocation at National Bank of Greece

    “National Bank of Greece implemented SAP Cash Management and BPI EBS Workbench for Bank Statement Automation to improve global Cash Visibility and controls for NBG’s Nostro bank accounts managed in SAP. The project delivered an integrated solution on time and budget which allows NBG to leverage the rich data content received on bank statements and interfaces to perform various controls and reporting analysis in one System.

    We see EBS Workbench as one enabler for us to improve our Cash Visibility for all bank accounts managed in SAP. Bank statement data is provided via our SWIFT interface and loading is automated in SAP for NBG’s Nostro bank accounts held at partner banks in all time-zones.

    EBS Workbench performs automatic matching with planned cash flows based on sophisticated and flexible clearing rules. The user-friendly EBS Workbench allows that unmatched items can easily be processed by our Cash Management Team.

    Manual matches performed by our team creates reporting data that allows us to continuously improve the interfaces that deliver the planned cash flows. This loop will in return reduce manual work for our Team allowing even more time for data analysis and planning.

    It was a pleasure to work with our consulting partners Aspire, our internal IT and BPI and we are very satisfied with the solution provided.”

    Thanasis Papadopoulos, Assistant Treasurer - Group Liquidity Monitoring & Funds Allocation at National Bank of Greece

  • Drs. Clementine Lichtenberg, Head of Finance Service Center at Tilburg University, The Netherlands

    “EBS Workbench has brought us exactly what we were looking for, namely a tool that supports Tilburg University to achieve a higher degree of automation for financial accounting in SAP.

    Our interest in EBS Workbench was triggered after we had seen it working at another company. When after an extensive tendering process BPI’s solution came out as the best, the choice was quickly made. Thanks to a very pleasant cooperation, we were able to implement EBS Workbench within one month and since then 85% of our bank transactions are processed automatically.

    The use of EBS Workbench has also enabled us to take a critical look at our internal administrative processes in order to determine how they can be improved. In addition, the embedded KPI reports within EBS Workbench gives us the insights to continuously automate accounting entries. Because EBS Workbench is very user-friendly we can change or add posting templates ourselves without needing the support of the BPI team. This of course saves both time and money.

    We are very happy with the guided implementation approach, training and support of BPI.

    Drs. Clementine Lichtenberg, Head of Finance Service Center at Tilburg University, The Netherlands”

  • Rob van den Wijngaard, Director FSSC at Universiteit Leiden, The Netherlands

    "Continuous Improvement (CI): think big, start small and upscale fast!

    As part of our Continuous Improvement journey at Universiteit Leiden, we were looking for a solution to accelerate our Cash Application in SAP. We have chosen for EBS Workbench because my team was very enthusiastic after seeing the tailor made demo that was prepared by BPI. After a successful proof of concept covering 2 bank accounts in the first week, we then rolled out the solution in 3 waves. Within 1 month we analyzed the transactions, tested them and went live in EBS Workbench with 39 bank accounts achieving an automation rate of > 95%!

    This is the next step we have taken in our Continuous Improvement journey, where we made bank processing a lot more efficient. Using EBS Workbench we converted the repetitive, uninspiring and error-prone manual work into high quality robotic automation.”

    “We gained an easy to manage tool, that can be adjusted by the end-users instead of IT-maintenance. After learning how easy it was to make rules and adjust them in EBS Workbench, our processing time is brought to an absolute minimum. The tool gives us much more time to improve our work and the users within the FSSC are very enthusiastic about the many possibilities and the user-friendliness of the tool.”

    Rob van den Wijngaard, Director FSSC at Universiteit Leiden

    Arjan van Rijn, Teamlead Liquidity Management FSSC at Universiteit Leiden

  • Stefanos Papadimitriou, Director of Accounting and Finance at HELLENIC PETROLEUM, Greece

    “The Management and the Users of Hellenic Petroleum are very pleased with the results that EBS Workbench delivers for us.

    Hellenic Petroleum started the implementation of EBS Workbench for the specific reason of automating internal controls and increasing compliance with the focus on the bank statement process.

    The implementation was very well organized and BPI as well as the Greece consulting partner Aspire were supporting the internal project team of Hellenic Petroleum not only to set-up EBS Workbench, but also to fine-tune already well established internal finance processes which impact bank statement accounting. This way we instantly achieved an automation rate of more than 97% for processing and auditing the electronic bank statement in SAP. As a result all compliance relevant processes are well documented in the system and the business users finish their work in a fraction of the time now.

    Our plan is to quickly roll out the solution to other group companies. We consider the project as a great success and can recommend EBS Workbench as well as BPI and Aspire for consulting.”

    Stefanos Papadimitriou, Director of Accounting and Finance at HELLENIC PETROLEUM

    Vamvouka Stavrianthi, Accounting Manager at HELLENIC PETROLEUM Group of Companies

  • Yin Chin TAN, ASM Global Finance Shared Services Centre, Singapore

    “I am happy to recommend EBS Workbench because it is working efficiently and has helped us to complete bank reconciliation at real time. Manual reconciliation work is now eliminated and our employees do not have to stay overtime for this purpose.

    This is especially important for a company like us with many international bank accounts. All bank records are now feeding to SAP where our team will clear it daily. Once all records are cleared, bank reconciliation is considered as completed. The application basically changed the way we worked – now AR and AP team playing major role to record entries in SAP accurately and avoid any unreconciled items end of the month. GL team is no longer having to go through pages of bank statement to reconcile missing items.

    The implementation of EBS Workbench was great. We had fantastic support from Hans during initial implementation. Today there is hardly any additional support required, but if needed support is very good.

    The system is easy to learn for our users as it is integrated to SAP and the roll-outs can be done very quickly by ourselves.”

  • Katharina Riebler, Financial Accounting, PERI GmbH

    “PERI was looking for a way to automate bank statement processing and after careful consideration the decision was made in favor of EBS Workbench. We are especially happy about the following highlights:

    • Quick implementation of EBS Workbench
    • Regular and close contact to BPI consultants for support and problem-solving in the after-go-live-support
    • Easy handling and an intuitive user interface which did not require a lot of training
    • High amount of time we save now
    • Very fast support – Solution proposals are made swiftly
    • We can adapt the settings without IT support or BPI consultants
    • Vast know-how of BPI consultants –exceeding topics related to EBS Workbench

    We can definitely recommend the service since we are fully satisfied with the solution and the corresponding support.”

  • Rita Sesztak, Cash & Banking Epson Europe

    "By using predefined templates in EBS Workbench, bank postings have become child’s play …."

  • Michael van der Steen, Global Process Owner O2C, AkzoNobel NV

    ‘’Since the introduction of EBS Workbench within AkzoNobel, we have seen a significant reduction in the time spent in the cash application process. The time gained in the cash application process is now used for other activities. In order to achieve more process efficiency, we use EBS Workbench to analyse the ‘’automatic cash application ratio’’. This is a dynamic report that provides us with a high level overview of the automation results, from various angles. With this report, we can easily identify the areas with a relative low percentage of automation. The detailed report points towards the automation opportunities. The posting templates within EBS Workbench are easily adaptable by the authorised users. By creating a new posting rule in the template manual postings are automated, leading to more process efficiency.

    We are pleased with EBS Workbench and have made it our standard tool for cash application within AkzoNobel. We will continue to roll it out in our organization.’’

  • Christiane Seidel, Teamleitung Finanzbuchhaltung Zahlungsverkehr, Bank Deutsches Kraftfahrzeuggewerbe GmbH

    "Wir waren auf der Suche nach einer neuen Lösung, denn unser vorheriges Produkt war nicht SAP-integriert und somit stark abhängig vom IT Support.

    Als wesentliche Gründe, die zu einer Entscheidung für die EBS Workbench geführt haben, sind zu nennen:

    • Anwenderfreundliche Benutzeroberfläche
    • Anpassungen können wir zum Großteil eigenständig durchführen
    • Keine Abhängigkeit von anderen Systemen

    Die Einführung der EBS Workbench war erfolgreich, da hier folgende Punkte durch das Projektteam in Ihrem Hause beachtet wurden:

    • Strukturierter Projektverlauf und dadurch eine kurze Projektlaufzeit; dies hat auch bei uns zu einer stressfreien Einführung beigetragen
    • Intensive Betreuung während der Einführungsphase

    Auch im laufenden Prozess werden Anfragen immer umgehend beantwortet und Anfragen für Neuerungen umgehend umgesetzt. Kurz und gut: wir fühlen uns mit dem Produkt und der Betreuung wohl."

  • Konstantinos Tsanakas, Treasury Department, PLAISIO

    "We would like to inform you that we are very satisfied by the use of EBS Workbench and we would definitely recommend it to other clients. Firstly, the automation of journal entries allows us to save huge time and in less than an hour, our system is updated with all transactions of bank accounts. Secondly EBS Workbench gave us great assistance on bank reconciliation with our system, with great improvement in precision, better and much easier monitoring, and avoiding wrong journal entries. Furthermore, it help us a lot with our system integration, clearing accounts was added between the final accounts of charge for better understanding and monitoring of the entire procedure of client’s wire transfers or credit cards. At last the system runs very easily and doesn’t require great training in order to use it properly. "

  • Antje Haddick, IT Business Analyst, Financial Management Services, SCA GmbH – SCA IT Services

    "After setting the goal to improve the automation of the electronic bank statement we, as a globally operating company, decided in favor of the solution EBS Workbench by BPI GmbH. The crucial factors were the innovative concept, the user interface as a one-screen-transaction and the convincing functionality of EBS Workbench. The initial implementation was done together with BPI. A highly professional know-how transfer including user handbook and configuration guide allowed us to do all subsequent rollouts ourselves. BPI’s active support with quick response times was immensely helpful. One of our last rollouts spanned 7 countries and we immediately achieved a match rate of more than 85% for incoming payments. In day-to-day business BPI is very responsive to our suggestions and very often implements them in form of upgrades from which other customers can benefit as well. The Business Support Helpdesk helps to monitor current enquiries. We recommend the solution EBS Workbench as well as the always highly professional, quickly responsive and pleasant cooperation with BPI GmbH. "

  • Franck Labourdette, Responsable des Comptabilités Auxiliaires, ALTEN

    “ALTEN wanted to implement an automation tool for bank transactions for its 12 companies within its Shared Services. The choice was quickly made for EBS Workbench because it is a tool that can be implemented quickly and it allowed us to automate a very large part of our bank postings in a multi-bank and multi-currency context. This project is a distinct success, and above all it has freed up our team’s time and they can now dedicate themselves to more high-value-added tasks.”

  • K. Anders, Finance and Treasury, Continental Teves AG & Co. oHG

    "The application convinced me right from the start. Maintaining the rules, day-to-day operations – everything is designed logically and user-friendly. There is no need to maintain complicated or cryptic tables. All data is entered into input masks characteristic of SAP.

    • It is easy to tell that the solution was developed by professionals for professionals.
    • Very quick installation.
    • Highly professional and prompt consultancy.
    • I never feel left alone and there is always a solution.
    • The rollout can easily be done by ourselves – even if an unexpected situation occurs there is quick help.
    • I would purchase the solution again anytime and I am pleased to recommend it."